Misshapen Teeth
Genetic and environmental factors can affect the development of teeth including the size and shape. Misshapen teeth may be isolated to one tooth or may occur as part of a widespread condition throughout the mouth. Common misshapen teeth include wisdom teeth, second premolars, and upper lateral incisors.
Causes of Misshapen Teeth
Misshapen lateral incisors result from a developmental flaw that causes the tooth to be small and pointed, looking like a peg. Because upper lateral incisors play such an important role in the appearance of your smile, this misshapen tooth receives a great deal of attention. A prosthodontist can determine the best treatment for any misshapen teeth and is uniquely qualified to restore a misshapen tooth, such as a peg lateral, giving you an esthetically pleasing smile.
Treatment for Misshapen Teeth
One of the most common genetic defects affecting teeth is called ectodermal dysplasia. Individuals affected by this syndrome often have abnormally small, misshapen teeth or missing teeth. A patient with this inherited disorder should have the dental problems evaluated early in life, and a prosthodontist’s training allows a comprehensive approach to the misshapen and missing teeth. Treatments for these misshapen teeth include restorative options such as crowns, veneers, and composite resins.
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